Gárdonyi lookout tower

The easiest way to approach the Gárdonyi lookout tower is from the Anna street (from the direction of Budapest, if we drive into the town from the main road number 6). When we reach the look out tower, we can admire the variety of Paks, see the oldtown, which has historical past and the residential area, which was built in the same time as the Nuclear Power Plant. We have a beautiful view as we can see the Danube and the four church of the town from the lookout tower. If the weather is great, not only we can see the Nuclear Power Plant, but also the farther townships. The curiosity of the lookout tower is a signpost made from wood. We can read on the signpost not only the names of twin cities of Paks, but also the names of big cities like Paris or Buenos Aires and their distance from our town.

The lookout tower is freely visitable.



Gárdonyi lookout tower
Address:7030 Paks, Gárdonyi Géza street

How do I get there?